Technical documentation


Technical documentation

Digital signature

Digital signature

The request for a certification requires that the owner is aware of the rules for the proper use of the service. Although existing legislation, in fact, states that the holder takes vision operating manuals (describing the procedures by the Certification Authority to provide a service) and the General Conditions of contract (governing the relations between InfoCert and its customers) before apply for and equipped with them.

The publication of these documents on the Internet, in addition to responding to a specific legal obligation, lets everyone know the services offered by InfoCert certification and their level of security. For those who want to deepen regulatory issues also created a section in which lists the texts of national and European regulations concerning digital certification.

Certificate Policy & Certificate Practice Statement (CPS)

Certificate Policy & Certificate Practice Statement (CPS)

In this section, you can find all the important documents related to the Certification Authority and Time Stamp Authority activities. These documents include duties and responsibilities of the Certification Authority itself, of the Certificate Owner and of the individuals accessing the public certificates list to perform signature verification.



The terms and conditions of the Certification Service, which regulate the relationship between the Certification Authority InfoCert and the Owner of a Digital Certificate, must be accepted by the latter by signing the Registration and Subscription Request provided by the Registration Office representative. Please find below the General Terms & Conditions of Agreement for “standard” Certification Services, plus an integration for the automated procedure.

General Terms & Conditions of OneShot

General Terms & Conditions of eSeal

General Terms & of the Time Validation Services

General Terms & Conditions of Web Sites authentication certificates

General Terms & Conditions of Electronic Signature

General Terms & Conditions of Verification and Validation

Graphometric Signature




Certificate publication

The issued certificates are not usually published. If the Certificate Owner requires his/her Subscription Certificate to be published, he/she can request it to be published by signing and returning the digitally signed form, according to the procedure described below. He/she is advised to read the CPS before submitting the request.

  1. Download the Certificate Publication Request Form [pdf – 55 KB].
  2. Put your digital signature on the certificate you would like to be published (using Dike GoSign)
  3. Send an e-mail to attaching the digitally signed form (pubblicazione.pdf.p7m).
  4. A confirmation e-mail will be sent after the certificate has been published.

Revocation / Suspension request by a Third Party (only for Certificates with Register enrolment)

A Third Party requesting the revocation or suspension of the Certificate issued to a Owner, according to provisions of the CPS, shall authenticate itself by signing the Revocation Request Form available for download below and send it following instructions specified in the CPS itself.

Request to access personal data and documentation

You can request a copy of the data associated with your Subscription Certificate using the form below. The form shall be filled in completely and submitted together with a copy of your identity card.

Revocation Request of the digital signature certificate and/or authentication

Certificates for legal entities and PSD2: SSL, eSEAL, qWAC and QSeal

Graphometric Signature

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

In this section, you can find all the important documents related to the Certification Authority and Time Stamp Authority activities. These documents include duties and responsibilities of the Certification Authority itself, of the Certificate Owner and of the individuals accessing the public certificates list to perform signature verification.

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